Title: The Elite (The Selection #2)
Author: Keira Cass
Published: April 23, 2013
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren'sBooks
ISBN: 978-0007466702
Genre: Dystopian/Sci Fi
The Selection began with thirty-five girls.
Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon's heart is fiercer than ever—and America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen?
America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want—and America's chance to choose is about to slip away
Rating: ★★★☆☆
There is something wrong with me when I'm more emotionally invested in the relationship between America and Maxon than I was in the relationship between Maise and Evan in Unteachable.
I need psychiatric help.
On that note ...
I can't deny that the Elite had me racing through to the end. I was emotionally invested. My heart pounded the whole way through the book and I was on edge over the growing distance between Maxon and America. Whatever Cass lacks in imagination and ideals, she makes up for in execution; I can give her that, at least.
Even so, America is the biggest pain in the arse I have ever come across. She's "that girl" - the one who strings boys along to make herself feel good. She's a horrible MC. She wants re-assurance and affirmation from Maxon but refuses to give any of her own? And talk about fucking needy?!?
And Maxon? He's nothing but a glorified fuckboy. Urgh.
So can someone tell me why I couldn't put this book down?
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